Edge of the Present: Thu 7 April – Sat 7 May 2022 at Warwick Art Gallery
Opening event on Thu 7 April 6-8pm
The Big Anxiety: Thu 7 April and Fri 8 April at Churches of Christ Auditorium, 223 Dragon St Warwick QLD. View our program here
VENUE: Warwick Art Gallery, 49 Albion St, Warwick QLD
The Big Anxiety QLD presents
Edge of the Present: A ‘mixed reality’ environment designed to cultivate future thinking. Opening Thu 7th 6-8pm
The Big Anxiety: Designed for anyone interested in arts, mental health, trauma, suicide prevention and general wellbeing from a lived experience, creative or professional point of view.
Edge of the Present
A ‘mixed reality’ (virtual and physical) environment designed to cultivate future thinking. Inspired by neuropsychological research into the workings of memory and imagination, and made in collaboration with psychologists, mental health specialists and participants with lived experiences of suicide survival, this compelling immersive experience invites us to ‘invent the next ten minutes’ – something that is a challenge when we find ourselves inhabiting the ‘edge of the present’.
The participatory installation is comprised of rooms that visitors navigate while wearing virtual reality displays. Architectural features and objects in the environment correspond with forms in the virtual world, which have the capacity to dynamically evolve as the user progresses through physical space and the story. By using technology in this novel way, the installation helps viewers to better engage with the present moment – and hence with the future – with openness, curiosity, and confidence.
Installation by Alex Davies, based on original research and concepts by JR Brennan and Alex Davies, in association with Alessandro Donagh De Marchi, Faisal Sayani, and Artist/Psychologist Michaela Davies.
For further information see Edge of the Present
Participate in Research
fEEL/The Big Anxiety are conducting research on the wellbeing impacts of our programs and workshops.
If you are 18 years+ with lived experience of depression and/or suicidality – you may like to participate in a research study in where we evaluate your mood/wellbeing before and after experiencing EDGE OF THE PRESENT. Contact Brittany Dale
The Big Anxiety, Warwick – April 7 and 8, 2022
A two day event designed for anyone interested in arts, mental health, trauma, suicide prevention and general wellbeing from a lived experience, creative or professional point of view.
Venue: Churches of Christ Auditorium, 223 Dragon St Warwick QLD
Do you find life exhausting and overwhelming? Feel like there is never enough time and, there must be more to life than the daily grind? If you’ve experienced trauma, loss or distress – or are just generally disillusioned by the state of the world and the hardship around us – The Big Anxiety is for you.
Experience some of the latest innovations from thought leaders in health transformation and wellbeing promotion.
Thursday 7 April
Road Trip – A Perinatal Dreaming & Understanding Country Workshop with Marianne Wobcke, 10.30am-12.30pm.
Marianne Wobcke, Indigenous Midwife, artist, and award-winning cultural practitioner is bringing her innovative, rejuvenating Road Trip Workshop to Warwick for one day only, as part of The Big Reach Warwick
“As a midwife with over 40 years’ experience working at the interface of birth and death, I feel honoured to guide you on this inner journey of self-discovery” My experiential workshop introduces you through relaxed, mindful awareness, to the unconscious realms of your psyche. I invite you to take two hours to reignite your creativity.From birth, our perceptions program us for a life of constant struggle; alternatively with our Songline intact we may create a sense of limitless potential. We can all naturally delight in our unique contribution to our lives, our families and greater community, inspired from a sense of abundance, wholeness, wellness and wellbeing.”
Followed by lunch 12.30pm – 2.00pm (provided)
Creative media workshop, 2-4pm
Presented by fEEL Lab, this workshop introduces innovative Virtual Reality experiences and immersive media for story-telling, better mental health and general wellbeing.
Experience an introduction to virtual reality bodymapping using Embodimap, or transport to the central desert via the story of Wau-Mananyi – The Song on the Wind.
Or join us to create Hard Place/Good Place, an archive of augmented reality stories exploring the experiences of the places we live in.The fEEL arts team are working with individuals and communities to develop digital stories as an immersive experience viewed on a phone or tablet. If you’d like to begin a project in advance of the workshop, contact and see website for more details.
The workshop is for all those developing stories currently as well as for anyone wanting to try out something new. No art/technical skills required – just bring your experience.
Friday 8 April
Creative Wellbeing: full day workshop 10am-4pm
Minola Theatre, led by Kat Dekker & Kat Bhathena (Arts For Inclusion)
Join us for a special one day creative workshop exploring mental health through embodied storytelling. Using playful activities, and learning skills from the world-renowned Theatre of the Oppressed movement, this workshop will create a safe space for participants to explore their experience of mental health and the mental health sector. This workshop will be interactive, and allow participants to explore the complexities and challenges of their own experiences, and play with ideas and strategies to redefine and innovate the mental health service experience in Queensland.
This workshop is presented by Minola Theatre and Arts for Inclusion, as part of The Big Reach Warwick.
For current COVID 19 information about venue requirements for masks & vaccination status see QLD Health