10 Oct 2022


VENUE: ALIVE NATIONAL CENTRE – 153 Barry Street, Carlton

Mad Poetry Rooms @ ALIVE

For World Mental Health Day in collaboration with the Big Anxiety festival, the ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation and the Lived-Experience Research Collective will host Mad Poetry creative workshops during the day, and live readings from 5pm. A special Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander poetry workshop will also be held on the day.

Creative workshops from 11-1pm  |  2-4pm

Live Poetry Readings  5pm-8pm (in the park outside the Centre weather permitting)

If you would like more information contact Caroline Tjung info@alivenetwork.com.au or to join the live-experience research collective please see ALIVE Network


Tim Heffernan, Poet, Peer Support Worker and Deputy Commissioner, Mental Health Commission of New South Wales; and Alise Blayney, poet and peer educator. Tim and Alise are co-editors of Verity La’s, ‘Clozapine Clinic – The Frater Project.’ They also established Mad Poetry as part of the 2016 Wollongong Writers Festival.

Image: Rawpixel